My Account talks about:
- Customer Information, Account Information, and Scheduled Activities
My Account Page
The My Account page provides a summary overview of your Account Details, current Billing Information and Upcoming Services.
Customer Information
The Customer Information section shows your current Account Details. Verify that your name, phone and mailing address information is always up to date and accurate. If you see any inaccuracies in your Account Details, contact our Customer Care department.
Account Information
The Account Information section shows you a quick synopsis of your current Account Receivable status. You can see the Last Payment Amount and when it was received by us. You can also see the Current Balance owing for your Account.

You can click the Pay My Current Balance link to go straight to the Payment screen to pay all of your outstanding Invoices.
Scheduled Activities
The Scheduled Service section displays Activities for your Locations. You can see the Day of the week, Frequency, Activity, Size and Number of Lifts for each of the Services.
The green section in the title bar area displays the next Location to receive service.